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Using Point-of-Choice Prompts to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Sit-Stand Workstation Users. Front Public Health, 6, 323. presented at the 2018. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2018.00323
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. (2013). Weekly rhythms of parents' work stress, home stress, and parent-adolescent tension. New Dir Child Dev, (82), 53-67. presented at the 1998 Winter.
. (1998). Work-Family Conflict and Employee Sleep: Evidence from IT Workers in the Work, Family and Health Study. Sleep, 39(10), 1871-1882. presented at the 2016 Oct 01. doi:10.5665/sleep.6172
. (2016). Workplace Flexibility and Daily Stress Processes in Hotel Employees and their Children. Ann Am Acad Pol Soc Sci, 638(1), 123-140. presented at the 2011 Nov. doi:10.1177/0002716211415608
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