TitleUtility of the dexamethasone suppression test in the diagnosis of poststroke depression.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsGrober, SE, Gordon, WA, Sliwinski, MJ, Hibbard, MR, Aletta, EG, Paddison, PL
JournalArch Phys Med Rehabil
Date Published1991 Dec
KeywordsAged, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Depression, Dexamethasone, Humans, Predictive Value of Tests

<p>The utility of the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) in the diagnosis of depression was examined in an outpatient sample of 29 stroke patients. Results indicated that the DST's sensitivity was 15%, its specificity was 67%, and its positive predictive value was 48%. These findings suggest that the DST yields no more information than would be gained from random assignment of the diagnosis of depression. Therefore, it is not a useful measure of mood in these patients.</p>

Alternate JournalArch Phys Med Rehabil
PubMed ID1741660
Grant ListNS24608 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States