Research Participation Across the Life Span (PALS) is a database project that connects people interested in participating in research activities at Penn State.
Researchers at Penn State are engaged in a number of projects related to healthy aging including the study of memory, language skills, stroke rehabilitation, exercise, motor control, brain imaging and nutrition. Research volunteers play a vital role in helping to advance our research and without the contributions of people like you, research could not progress. Research PALS is a database project that helps to connect community members interested in volunteering for research with activities at Penn State. The database stores names, birthdates, addresses, and phone numbers of participating individuals. This information is kept confidential and shared only with PSU researchers who are conducting studies approved by the University’s Office for Research Protections. When new research opportunities arise, a researcher will contact you to explain the current study and ask if you are interested in participating.
Participation is always optional. You may remain in the database as long as you wish and you can ask to be removed at any time.