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Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: Keyword is Humans and Author is Czaja, Sara J [Clear All Filters]
Dementia patient suffering and caregiver depression. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord, 22(2), 170-6. presented at the 2008 Apr-Jun. doi:10.1097/WAD.0b013e31816653cc
. (2008). Improving the quality of life of caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial. Rehabil Psychol, 54(1), 1-15. presented at the 2009 Feb. doi:10.1037/a0014932
. (2009). Magnitude and causes of bias among family caregivers rating Alzheimer disease patients.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 21(1), 14-25. presented at the 2013 Jan. doi:10.1016/j.jagp.2012.10.002
. (2013). Measuring the experience and perception of suffering. Gerontologist, 50(6), 774-84. presented at the 2010 Dec. doi:10.1093/geront/gnq033
. (2010). Patient suffering and caregiver compassion: new opportunities for research, practice, and policy. Gerontologist, 47(1), 4-13. presented at the 2007 Feb. doi:10.1093/geront/47.1.4
. (2007). The personal importance of being independent: associations with changes in disability and depressive symptoms. Rehabil Psychol, 59(1), 35-41. presented at the 2014 Feb. doi:10.1037/a0034438
. (2014).