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Cancer survivors' responses to daily stressors: implications for quality of life. Health Psychol, 31(3), 360-70. presented at the 2012 May. doi:10.1037/a0027018
. (2012). Certified Nursing Assistants Balancing Family Caregiving Roles: Health Care Utilization Among Double- and Triple-Duty Caregivers. Gerontologist, 56(6), 1114-1123. presented at the 2016 Dec. doi:10.1093/geront/gnv081
. (2016). Chronic stressors and daily hassles: unique and interactive relationships with psychological distress. J Health Soc Behav, 45(1), 17-33. presented at the 2004 Mar. doi:10.1177/002214650404500102
. (2004). The CIRCORT database: Reference ranges and seasonal changes in diurnal salivary cortisol derived from a meta-dataset comprised of 15 field studies. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 73, 16-23. presented at the 2016 Nov. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.07.201
. (2016). Combining Formal and Informal Caregiving Roles: The Psychosocial Implications of Double- and Triple-Duty Care. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 71(2), 201-11. presented at the 2016 Mar. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu139
. (2016). A Coordinated Analysis of Variance in Affect in Daily Life. Assessment, 27(8), 1683-1698. presented at the 2020 Dec. doi:10.1177/1073191118799460
. (2020). Corrigendum to "The CIRCORT database: Reference ranges and seasonal changes in diurnal salivary cortisol derived from a meta-dataset comprised of 15 field studies" [PNEC 73C (2016) 16-23]. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76, 226-227. presented at the 2017 Feb. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.11.038
. (2017).