10 years 6 months ago

Event Time

Thu, 08/07/2014 - 10:30am
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Event Location

Ruth Pike Auditorium, 022 Biobehavioral Health Building, University Park, PA 16802

Do we communicate differently at different ages? How do we communicate across generations? Learn how to achieve a higher quality of life as you age, through relationship engagement and enhanced communication.

Parking Information

Hassle free parking is available for this lecture! Park in the Porter North parking lot (Medlar Field parking) and look for our Center staff to greet you with a parking permit. then board Penn State's Molly Trolley for a brief shuttle ride to the HUB and a short walk to the Pike Auditorium and BBH building. We look forward to seeing you on August 7th. All Aboard!

Find a campus map to locate North Porter parking lot here.

If you missed this lecture, you may find it now online here: Talk or Text? Healthy Aging Community Lecture. The slide presentation is also available below. Join us for the next Healthy Aging Lecture!