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Filters: Keyword is Humans and Author is Hammer, Leslie B [Clear All Filters]
Combining Formal and Informal Caregiving Roles: The Psychosocial Implications of Double- and Triple-Duty Care. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 71(2), 201-11. presented at the 2016 Mar. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu139
. (2016). Double- and Triple-Duty Caregiving Men: An Examination of Subjective Stress and Perceived Schedule Control. J Appl Gerontol, 37(4), 464-492. presented at the 2018 Apr. doi:10.1177/0733464816641391
. (2018). Finding time over time: Longitudinal links between employed mothers' work-family conflict and time profiles. J Fam Psychol, 31(5), 604-615. presented at the 2017 Aug. doi:10.1037/fam0000303
. (2017). Health Behavior Among Men With Multiple Family Roles: The Moderating Effects of Perceived Partner Relationship Quality. Am J Mens Health, 12(6), 2006-2017. presented at the 2018 Nov. doi:10.1177/1557988316660088
. (2018). Latent profiles of perceived time adequacy for paid work, parenting, and partner roles. J Fam Psychol, 29(5), 788-98. presented at the 2015 Oct. doi:10.1037/a0039433
. (2015). Work-Family Conflict and Employee Sleep: Evidence from IT Workers in the Work, Family and Health Study. Sleep, 39(10), 1871-1882. presented at the 2016 Oct 01. doi:10.5665/sleep.6172
. (2016).