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Filters: Keyword is Middle Aged and Author is Sliwinski, Martin J  [Clear All Filters]
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Sliwinski, M. J., Mogle, J. A., Hyun, J., Munoz, E., Smyth, J. M., & Lipton, R. B.. (2018). Reliability and Validity of Ambulatory Cognitive Assessments. Assessment, 25(1), 14-30. presented at the 2018 Jan. doi:10.1177/1073191116643164
Sliwinski, M. J., Freed, S., Scott, S. B., Pasquini, G., & Smyth, J. M.. (2021). Does Chronic Stress Moderate Age Differences in Emotional Well-Being? Testing Predictions of Strength and Vulnerability Integration. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 76(6), 1104-1113. presented at the 2021 Jun 14. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbaa174