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Filters: Keyword is Survivors and Author is Costanzo, Erin S  [Clear All Filters]
Barrineau, M. Jon, Zarit, S. H., King, H. A., Costanzo, E. S., & Almeida, D. M.. (2014). Daily well-being of cancer survivors: the role of somatic amplification. Psychooncology, 23(9), 1027-33. presented at the 2014 Sep. doi:10.1002/pon.3509
Costanzo, E. S., Stawski, R. S., Ryff, C. D., Coe, C. L., & Almeida, D. M.. (2012). Cancer survivors' responses to daily stressors: implications for quality of life. Health Psychol, 31(3), 360-70. presented at the 2012 May. doi:10.1037/a0027018