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Filters: Keyword is Reproducibility of Results and Author is Kim, Jinhyuk [Clear All Filters]
A Coordinated Analysis of Variance in Affect in Daily Life. Assessment, 27(8), 1683-1698. presented at the 2020 Dec. doi:10.1177/1073191118799460
. (2020). Covariation of depressive mood and spontaneous physical activity in major depressive disorder: toward continuous monitoring of depressive mood. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform, 19(4), 1347-55. presented at the 2015 Jul. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2015.2440764
. (2015). Systematic comparison between ecological momentary assessment and day reconstruction method for fatigue and mood states in healthy adults. Br J Health Psychol, 18(1), 155-67. presented at the 2013 Feb. doi:10.1111/bjhp.12000
. (2013).