TitleExamining the Interplay of Processes Across Multiple Time-Scales: Illustration With the Intraindividual Study of Affect, Health, and Interpersonal Behavior (iSAHIB).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRam, N, Conroy, DE, Pincus, AL, Lorek, A, Rebar, A, Roche, MJ, Coccia, M, Morack, J, Feldman, J, Gerstorf, D
JournalRes Hum Dev
Date Published2014

<p>Human development is characterized by the complex interplay of processes that manifest at multiple levels of analysis and time-scales. We introduce the Intraindividual Study of Affect, Health and Interpersonal Behavior (iSAHIB) as a model for how multiple time-scale study designs facilitate more precise articulation of developmental theory. Combining age heterogeneity, longitudinal panel, daily diary, and experience sampling protocols, the study made use of smartphone and web-based technologies to obtain intensive longitudinal data from 150 persons age 18-89 years as they completed three 21-day measurement bursts ( = 426 bursts, = 8,557 days) wherein they provided reports on their social interactions ( = 64,112) as they went about their daily lives. We illustrate how multiple time-scales of data can be used to articulate bioecological models of development and the interplay among more 'distal' processes that manifest at 'slower' time-scales (e.g., age-related differences and burst-to-burst changes in mental health) and more 'proximal' processes that manifest at 'faster' time-scales (e.g., changes in context that progress in accordance with the weekly calendar and family influence processes).</p>

Alternate JournalRes Hum Dev
PubMed ID26989350
PubMed Central IDPMC4792298
Grant ListRC1 AG035645 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States