Title | Enrollment Strategies, Barriers to Participation, and Reach of a Workplace Intervention Targeting Sedentary Behavior. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Mullane, SL, Rydell, SA, Larouche, ML, Toledo, MJohn L, Feltes, LH, Vuong, B, Crespo, NC, Gaesser, GA, Estabrooks, PA, Pereira, MA, Buman, MP |
Journal | Am J Health Promot |
Volume | 33 |
Issue | 2 |
Pagination | 225-236 |
Date Published | 2019 Feb |
ISSN | 2168-6602 |
Keywords | Counseling, Cross-Sectional Studies, Environment Design, Exercise, Female, Health Promotion, Humans, Male, Occupational Health, Retrospective Studies, Sedentary Behavior, United States, Workplace |
Abstract | <p><b>PURPOSE: </b>To review enrollment strategies, participation barriers, and program reach of a large, 2-year workplace intervention targeting sedentary behavior.</p><p><b>APPROACH: </b>Cross-sectional, retrospective review.</p><p><b>SETTING: </b>Twenty-four worksites balanced across academic, industry, and government sectors in Minneapolis/Saint Paul (Minnesota) and Phoenix (Arizona) regions.</p><p><b>PARTICIPANTS: </b>Full-time (≥30+ h/wk), sedentary office workers.</p><p><b>METHODS: </b>Reach was calculated as the proportion of eligible employees who enrolled in the intervention ([N enrolled/(proportion of eligible employees × N total employees)] × 100). Mean (1 standard deviation) and median worksite sizes were calculated at each enrollment step. Participation barriers and modifications were recorded by the research team. A survey was sent to a subset of nonparticipants (N = 57), and thematic analyses were conducted to examine reasons for nonparticipation, positive impacts, and negative experiences.</p><p><b>RESULTS: </b>Employer reach was 65% (56 worksites invited to participate; 66% eligible of 56 responses; 24 enrolled). Employee reach was 58% (1317 invited to participate, 83% eligible of 906 responses; 632 enrolled). Postrandomization, on average, 59% (15%) of the worksites participated. Eighteen modifications were developed to overcome participant-, context-, and research-related participation barriers.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION: </b>A high proportion of worksites and employees approached to participate in a sedentary behavior reduction intervention engaged in the study. Interventions that provide flexible enrollment, graded participant engagement options, and adopt a participant-centered approach may facilitate workplace intervention success.</p> |
DOI | 10.1177/0890117118784228 |
Alternate Journal | Am J Health Promot |
PubMed ID | 29986592 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC7702267 |
Grant List | R01 CA198971 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States |