TitleEnrollment Strategies, Barriers to Participation, and Reach of a Workplace Intervention Targeting Sedentary Behavior.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMullane, SL, Rydell, SA, Larouche, ML, Toledo, MJohn L, Feltes, LH, Vuong, B, Crespo, NC, Gaesser, GA, Estabrooks, PA, Pereira, MA, Buman, MP
JournalAm J Health Promot
Date Published2019 Feb
KeywordsCounseling, Cross-Sectional Studies, Environment Design, Exercise, Female, Health Promotion, Humans, Male, Occupational Health, Retrospective Studies, Sedentary Behavior, United States, Workplace

<p><b>PURPOSE: </b>To review enrollment strategies, participation barriers, and program reach of a large, 2-year workplace intervention targeting sedentary behavior.</p><p><b>APPROACH: </b>Cross-sectional, retrospective review.</p><p><b>SETTING: </b>Twenty-four worksites balanced across academic, industry, and government sectors in Minneapolis/Saint Paul (Minnesota) and Phoenix (Arizona) regions.</p><p><b>PARTICIPANTS: </b>Full-time (≥30+ h/wk), sedentary office workers.</p><p><b>METHODS: </b>Reach was calculated as the proportion of eligible employees who enrolled in the intervention ([N enrolled/(proportion of eligible employees × N total employees)] × 100). Mean (1 standard deviation) and median worksite sizes were calculated at each enrollment step. Participation barriers and modifications were recorded by the research team. A survey was sent to a subset of nonparticipants (N = 57), and thematic analyses were conducted to examine reasons for nonparticipation, positive impacts, and negative experiences.</p><p><b>RESULTS: </b>Employer reach was 65% (56 worksites invited to participate; 66% eligible of 56 responses; 24 enrolled). Employee reach was 58% (1317 invited to participate, 83% eligible of 906 responses; 632 enrolled). Postrandomization, on average, 59% (15%) of the worksites participated. Eighteen modifications were developed to overcome participant-, context-, and research-related participation barriers.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION: </b>A high proportion of worksites and employees approached to participate in a sedentary behavior reduction intervention engaged in the study. Interventions that provide flexible enrollment, graded participant engagement options, and adopt a participant-centered approach may facilitate workplace intervention success.</p>

Alternate JournalAm J Health Promot
PubMed ID29986592
PubMed Central IDPMC7702267
Grant ListR01 CA198971 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States