The goal of this NIA-funded program is to train the next generation of scientists in psychosocial determinants and biological pathways that underlie healthy and unhealthy aging. All Fellows take part in a regular seminar and coursework; participate in professional development activities; and have the opportunity to take courses in innovative research methods. This program brings together faculty from Human Development and Family Studies, Biobehavioral Health, Kinesiology, and Psychology to create a comprehensive mentorship program. The resource-rich environment provided by the Center for Healthy Aging allows Fellows to be integrated into active and ongoing interdisciplinary research projects and learn advanced methods to study biopsychosocial processes in the laboratory as well as everyday life.
Eligible applicants are those with a Ph.D. in the behavioral or biological sciences, or who can reasonably be expected to complete a Ph.D. before they would start the training program. Each candidate must evidence interest and commitment to a research career focused on adulthood and aging. This program requires a commitment of 2 years with salary and benefits consistent with those for NIH Postdoctoral Fellows. Appointments will begin between May and September, 2021.
Applicants should consult the website for information about the program and potential Faculty Mentors ( ) and submit electronically a current CV and statement of interests that includes specification of a primary mentor, commitment to a career in aging-related research, and description of desired training outside the main area of expertise (i.e., biological or behavioral science). Additional materials may be requested from applicants, including graduate transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Interested candidates are to apply directly online at:
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