Michele Diaz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology and Linguistics
Contact Information
Email: mtd143@psu.edu
Phone: (814) 863-1726
Office: 356 Moore Building
Website: https://sites.psu.edu/mdiazlab/
Phone: (814) 863-1726
Office: 356 Moore Building
Website: https://sites.psu.edu/mdiazlab/
Research Interests
Dr. Michele Diaz directs the Language and Aging Lab in the Psychology Department at Penn State. Her broad goal is to understand the neural and behavioral factors that contribute to word retrieval failures. Language is a critical communicative and social aspect of daily life. However, difficulties in language production (i.e., finding words and recalling names) are among the most common and frustrating aspects of aging. Understanding the factors that contribute to healthy aging may enable older adults to increase their agency, independence, and quality of life.