Found 476 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Felt, J. M., Depaoli, S., & Tiemensma, J.. (2021). Stress and information processing: acute psychosocial stress affects levels of mental abstraction. Anxiety Stress Coping, 34(1), 83-95. presented at the 2021 Jan. doi:10.1080/10615806.2020.1839646
Grzywacz, J. G., & Almeida, D. M.. (2008). Stress and Binge Drinking: A Daily Process Examination of Stressor Pile-up and Socioeconomic Status in Affect Regulation. Int J Stress Manag, 15(4), 364-380. presented at the 2008 Nov 01. doi:10.1037/a0013368
Lohit, S., Toledo, M. John, Buman, M. P., & Turaga, P.. (2016). A statistical estimation framework for energy expenditure of physical activities from a wrist-worn accelerometer. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2016, 2631-2635. presented at the 2016 Aug. doi:10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591270
Martire, L. M., Schulz, R., Mittelmark, M. B., & Newsom, J. T.. (1999). Stability and change in older adults' social contact and social support: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 54(5), S302-11. presented at the 1999 Sep. doi:10.1093/geronb/54b.5.s302
Monin, J. K., Schulz, R., Martire, L. M., J Jennings, R., Lingler, J. Hagerty, & Greenberg, M. S.. (2010). Spouses' cardiovascular reactivity to their partners' suffering. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 65B(2), 195-201. presented at the 2010 Mar. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbp133
Gere, J., Martire, L. M., Keefe, F. J., Stephens, M. Ann Parris, & Schulz, R.. (2014). Spouse confidence in self-efficacy for arthritis management predicts improved patient health. Ann Behav Med, 48(3), 337-46. presented at the 2014 Dec. doi:10.1007/s12160-014-9608-9
Coohey, C., Easton, S. D., Kong, J., & Bockenstedt, J. K. W.. (2015). Sources of Psychological Pain and Suicidal Thoughts Among Homeless Adults. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 45(3), 271 - 280. presented at the Jan-06-2015. doi:10.1111/sltb.2015.45.issue-310.1111/sltb.12126
Grzywacz, J. G., Almeida, D. M., Neupert, S. D., & Ettner, S. L.. (2004). Socioeconomic status and health: a micro-level analysis of exposure and vulnerability to daily stressors. J Health Soc Behav, 45(1), 1-16. presented at the 2004 Mar. doi:10.1177/002214650404500101
Friedman, E. M., Karlamangla, A. S., Almeida, D. M., & Seeman, T. E.. (2012). Social strain and cortisol regulation in midlife in the US. Soc Sci Med, 74(4), 607-15. presented at the 2012 Feb. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.11.003
Mullane, S. L., Toledo, M. J. L., Rydell, S. A., Feltes, L. H., Vuong, B., Crespo, N. C., et al.. (2017). Social ecological correlates of workplace sedentary behavior. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 14(1), 117. presented at the 2017 Aug 31. doi:10.1186/s12966-017-0576-x
Grober, E., Ausubel, R., Sliwinski, M., & Gordon, B.. (1992). Skill learning and repetition priming in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychologia, 30(10), 849-58. presented at the 1992 Oct. doi:10.1016/0028-3932(92)90030-p
de Almeida, D. Marçal Bu, Benetti-Pinto, C. Laguna, & Makuch, M. Yolanda. (2011). Sexual function of women with premature ovarian failure. Menopause, 18(3), 262-6. presented at the 2011 Mar. doi:10.1097/gme.0b013e3181f4318d
Buschke, H., Kuslansky, G., Katz, M., Stewart, W. F., Sliwinski, M. J., Eckholdt, H. M., & Lipton, R. B.. (1999). Screening for dementia with the memory impairment screen. Neurology, 52(2), 231-8. presented at the 1999 Jan 15. doi:10.1212/wnl.52.2.231
Lipton, R. B., Katz, M. J., Kuslansky, G., Sliwinski, M. J., Stewart, W. F., Verghese, J., et al.. (2003). Screening for dementia by telephone using the memory impairment screen. J Am Geriatr Soc, 51(10), 1382-90. presented at the 2003 Oct. doi:10.1046/j.1532-5415.2003.51455.x
Kuslansky, G., Buschke, H., Katz, M., Sliwinski, M., & Lipton, R. B.. (2002). Screening for Alzheimer's disease: the memory impairment screen versus the conventional three-word memory test. J Am Geriatr Soc, 50(6), 1086-91. presented at the 2002 Jun. doi:10.1046/j.1532-5415.2002.50265.x
Almeida, D. M., M Almadanim, C., Lourenço, T., Abreu, I. A., Saibo, N. J. M., & M Oliveira, M.. (2016). Screening for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice: Salt, Cold, and Drought. Methods Mol Biol, 1398, 155-82. presented at the 2016. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-3356-3_14
Jensen, L., Monnat, S. M., Green, J. J., Hunter, L. M., & Sliwinski, M. J.. (2020). Rural Population Health and Aging: Toward a Multilevel and Multidimensional Research Agenda for the 2020s. Am J Public Health, 110(9), 1328-1331. presented at the 2020 Sep. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2020.305782
Marini, C. M., Wilson, S. J., Nah, S., Martire, L. M., & Sliwinski, M. J.. (2021). Rumination and Sleep Quality Among Older Adults: Examining the Role of Social Support. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 76(10), 1948-1959. presented at the 2021 Nov 15. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbaa230
Savla, J., Zarit, S. H., & Almeida, D. M.. (2018). Routine Support to Parents and Stressors in Everyday Domains: Associations With Negative Affect and Cortisol. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 73(3), 437-446. presented at the 2018 Mar 02. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbx033
Savla, J., Almeida, D. M., Davey, A., & Zarit, S. H.. (2008). Routine assistance to parents: effects on daily mood and other stressors. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 63(3), S154-61. presented at the 2008 May. doi:10.1093/geronb/63.3.s154
Martire, L. M., & Franks, M. M.. (2014). The role of social networks in adult health: introduction to the special issue. Health Psychol, 33(6), 501-4. presented at the 2014 Jun. doi:10.1037/hea0000103
Munoz, E., Scott, S. B., Corley, R., Wadsworth, S. J., Sliwinski, M. J., & Reynolds, C. A.. (2020). The role of neighborhood stressors on cognitive function: A coordinated analysis. Health Place, 66, 102442. presented at the 2020 Nov. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102442
McHale, S. M., Blocklin, M. K., Walter, K. N., Davis, K. D., Almeida, D. M., & Klein, L. Cousino. (2012). The role of daily activities in youths' stress physiology. J Adolesc Health, 51(6), 623-8. presented at the 2012 Dec. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2012.03.016
Martire, L. M., Schulz, R., Helgeson, V. S., Small, B. J., & Saghafi, E. M.. (2010). Review and meta-analysis of couple-oriented interventions for chronic illness. Ann Behav Med, 40(3), 325-42. presented at the 2010 Dec. doi:10.1007/s12160-010-9216-2
Buschke, H., Sliwinski, M. J., Kuslansky, G., Katz, M., Verghese, J., & Lipton, R. B.. (2006). Retention weighted recall improves discrimination of Alzheimer's disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 12(3), 436-40. presented at the 2006 May. doi:10.1017/s135561770606053x
Sharifian, N., & O'Brien, E. L.. (2019). Resource or Hindrance? The benefits and costs of social support for functional difficulties and its implications for depressive symptoms. Aging Ment Health, 23(5), 618-624. presented at the 2019 May. doi:10.1080/13607863.2018.1437595
Hebert, R. S., Weinstein, E., Martire, L. M., & Schulz, R.. (2006). Religion, spirituality and the well-being of informal caregivers: a review, critique, and research prospectus. Aging Ment Health, 10(5), 497-520. presented at the 2006 Sep. doi:10.1080/13607860600638131
Sliwinski, M. J., Mogle, J. A., Hyun, J., Munoz, E., Smyth, J. M., & Lipton, R. B.. (2018). Reliability and Validity of Ambulatory Cognitive Assessments. Assessment, 25(1), 14-30. presented at the 2018 Jan. doi:10.1177/1073191116643164
Alwerdt, J., Valdés, E. G., Chanti-Ketterl, M., Small, B. J., & Edwards, J. D.. (2016). The relationship between phytoestrogens and speed of processing. Menopause, 23(8), 911-8. presented at the 2016 Aug. doi:10.1097/GME.0000000000000632
Almeida, D. M., M Oliveira, M., & Saibo, N. J. M.. (2017). Regulation of Na+ and K+ homeostasis in plants: towards improved salt stress tolerance in crop plants. Genet Mol Biol, 40(1 suppl 1), 326-345. presented at the 2017. doi:10.1590/1678-4685-GMB-2016-0106
Cichy, K. E., Stawski, R. S., & Almeida, D. M.. (2012). Racial Differences in Exposure and Reactivity to Daily Family Stressors. J Marriage Fam, 74(3), 572-586. presented at the 2012 Jun. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.00971.x
Greenfield, M. Lou V. H., Rosenberg, A. L., O'Reilly, M., Shanks, A. M., Sliwinski, M. J., & Nauss, M. D.. (2005). The quality of randomized controlled trials in major anesthesiology journals. Anesth Analg, 100(6), 1759-1764. presented at the 2005 Jun. doi:10.1213/01.ANE.0000150612.71007.A3
Benetti-Pinto, C. L., de Almeida, D. M. B., & Makuch, M. Y.. (2011). Quality of life in women with premature ovarian failure. Gynecol Endocrinol, 27(9), 645-9. presented at the 2011 Sep. doi:10.3109/09513590.2010.520374
